Sunday 26 November 2017

Gujarat First Muslim ruler Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji (part 2)-Gujarat invasion

                                    In 1296 AD Gujarat's king Sarangdev Vaghela died after rule of 21 years.His nephew Karnadev became 5th Vaghela king who was last Hindu king of Gujarat.13th century.He was famous as Karan Ghelo-mad because of his whimsical nature & unpredictable behavior.Karnadev did not performed duties of a king & a Kshatriya.As per old books he was full of vices of woman & vine.His Chief Minister Madhav's brother Keshav's wife was very beautiful. King Karnadev attracted by her beauty. So he killed her husband Keshav & kidnapped her.Gujarat Chief Minister Madhav became angry on murder of his brother & abduction of his wife by king Karnadev Vaghela. He vowed to revenge & left Gujarat in 1297 AD.He went to Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji.He requested & provoked Sultan to invade Gujarat. Madhav assured Alauddin all guidance about Gujarat.In 1297 AD Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji sent huge army under command of his brother Ulooghkhan, Almasbeg and Malek Nusratkhan to invade Gujarat.In 1297 AD reached Rajasthan.Jalor king Kanhaddev Chauhan refused to pass Alauddin army through his state but Mewad ruler Samarsinh gave way & paid tribute to Alauddin army.In 1297 AD Delhi Sultan Alauddin's army marched through Mewad, Dungarpur & Banas river bank and arrived at Modasa.In 1297 AD Modasa ruler was Batad Thakor. He was brave.Instead of giving way to Alauddin huge army,he gave fight bravely & sacrificed his life.After victory in 1st Gujarat battle at Modasa,Alauddin army looted & fired Modasa.Then they advanced to capital Patan via Palanpur & Mehsana.In 1297 AD Alauddin army arrived at Gujarat capital Patan. It was called Naharwala by Muslims. Gujarat king Karan Vaghela was prepared with army of 110000 soldiers.There were Turks,Sindhi,Afghan,Momgol & 3000 Tartars in Alauddin army.Gujarat army was of 30000 lancers,80000 foot soldiers & 30 elephants.In 1298 AD Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji army defeated Gujarat last Hindu king Karnadev Vaghela & won capital Patan after 16 months war.
                                     In 1298 AD after defeat king Karnadev fled to Saurashtra.Alauddin army looted palaces,treasure,riches mansions & temples.They burnt houses.In 1298 AD Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji's army won Patan.Ulughkhan captured Gujarat king Karnadev's queen Kamaladevi & sent her Delhi where Sultan Alauddin married her.

Written by Bipin Thanky
( From our tweets of our twitter handle @GujaratHistory)

Saturday 11 November 2017

Gujarat's First Muslim Ruler Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji (Part 1)

                           Gujarat's first Muslim ruler Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji became Delhi Sultan by killing his uncle Sultan Jalaluddin Khilji in 1296 AD.On the 1st day of Ramzan month in 1296 AD Alauddin Khilji killed his uncle & father in law Sultan Jalaluddin who brought up him as his son at Kada.Sultan Alauddin Khilji was very cruel.He killed his father like uncle Jalaluddin by beheading & exhibit his head on a spear in Avadh area.Delhi Sultan Jalaluddin brought up his nephew Alauddin as his son & wedded his daughter with him who killed Jalaluddin by treachery in 1296AD.Alauddin Khilji became Delhi Sultan in 1296 AD.He made late Sultan Jalaluddin's family members, sons & grandsons blind & then killed them.
                            Gujarats 1st Muslim ruler Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji introduced reforms by imposing ban on liquor & gambling & forced land requisition.13th century Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji acquired all types of private land owned by citizens,Amirs,Jamindar,temples & Wakf.Delhi Sultan banned liqour & night dinner parties.He punished violators with death penalty by burring them in land pit alive.Sultan Alauddin was very cruel.He tried to make Hindus poor by imposing highly excess taxes & land revenue onthem & collected it by force.In rule of 13 century Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji Hindus were tortured most .His tyranny,terror & torture were narrated by historian Ziauddin Barani (1285-1357).He was historian in Delhi Sultnat time. He was of aristocratic family. His father & elders were high government officials.
                            Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji was one of most cruel ruler in Indian history.He killed thousands of innocent men,women,children,freinds & relatives.Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji was so cruel that he killed 30000 neo Muslim including old,women,children merely on suspicion of their loyalty.13th century proud Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji believed that he could found new religion like Prophet Hzrat Muhammad Paygambar with help of his four friends.

Written by Bipin Thanky
( Tweets from my twitter handle @GujaratHistory )

Wednesday 11 October 2017

15th Century Gujarat brave Naval Chief Malek Ayaz

                                    In 15th century Malek Ayaz Sultani was Gujarat Sultnat naval chief during the rule of Sultan Mahmud Begada & Sultan Muzaffar.He was top Amir-lord of Sultnat.Malek Ayaz was Russian white slave caught by Turks & brought in Istambul.He was sold to a middle east trader.Arab trader came to Gujarat for trade.He gave his very clever white Russian slave Malek Ayaz to Gujarat Sultan Mahmud Begada as a gift.In 15th century during Malawa invasion Malek Ayaz killed flying falcon by an arrow as falcon pray fell on Sultan Mahmud.He became very pleased.15th century Gujarat Sultan Mahmud Begada freed brave Malek Ayaz Sultani from slavery for his quick & prompt action & awarded the title of Malik.
                                      15th century Malek Ayaz sultani was very clever, intelligent & brave.He became top Amir-lord of Gujarat Sultnat.He was powerful & very rich.Gujarat Sultan Mahmud Begada appointed Malek Ayaz Sultani as Sorath-Saurashtra governor & Sultnat naval chief with his headquarter at Diu.Gujarat Sultnat navy chief Malek Ayaz Sultani fought many naval battles with rising Portuguese power in Arabian sea.In 1508 AD combined naval force of Gujarat Sultan under Malek Ayaz & Egypt Sultan under Amir Husen attacked Portuguese & defeated them at Chaul.15th century Gujarat naval chief Malek Ayaz was so powerful that Portuguese could not conquer Diu after many attacks during his lifetime.In the 15th century, no Portuguese ship was allowed to enter Gujarat ports without prior permission of Gujarat Sultanate naval chief Malek Ayaz.In 1483 AD Gujarat Sultnat naval chief Malik Ayaz brought foreign cannons from Diu to Pavagadh when Sultan Mahmud Begada invaded Pavagadh.In 1483-84 AD CANNONS were FIRST TIME used in the history of India by Gujarat Sultan Mahmud Begada in the battle of Pavagadh.Gunners were foreigners.On 21-11-1484 Gujarat Sultnat naval chief Malik Ayaz broke Pavagadh fort wall by cannon fire.He, Sultan Mahmud & soldiers entered in Pavagadh.
                                       15th century Gujarat naval chief Amir-lord Malek Ayaz lived a lavish life.His servants were given costly velvet uniforms.His expenses were huge.He was fond of food.He had chefs who knew to cook famous international cuisine.He hosted party often.Amir-lord Malek Ayaz's mega kitchen was always open for hungry persons who get food there.He had large stock of foreign crockery.In 1522 AD powerful Gujarat naval chief Malek Ayaz died at Una.He was buried near Shah Shamsuddin grave.His estate was given to his son Ishak.

Written by Bipin Thanky
(Tweets from my twitter handle @Gujarathistory)

Sunday 8 October 2017

Great Devotee Poet Narsinh Mehta of Gujarat

                                                      વૈષ્ણવ જન તો તેને કહિયે જે પીડ પરાયી જાણે રે 
                                                        પર દુ:ખે ઉપકાર કરે તો યે મન અભિમાન ન આણે રે. ..
                                                        Gujarati hymn written by poet Narsinh Mehta

                     Before tweeting on poet Narsinh Mehta we bow & pay homage to Saint like great soul.He is one of greatest personalities of Gujarat history.15th century Narsinh Mehta is the pioneer of Gujarati literature.He was great devotee poet who explained the eternal truth of life in poems & hymns.15th century devotee poet Narsinh Mehta's literally work is very popular in Gujarat for centuries & providing spiritual guidance to people.Valabhi was Gujarat capital in Maitrak rule during 6th to 8th century.Many Nagar families shifted from Vadnagar to Valabhi for livelihood.In 788 AD Valabhi was destroyed by Arab invaders & Maitrak rule ended.So some Vadnagara Nagar families shifted to the Vala Rajput state of Talaja.In 1025 AD Sorath Chudasama ruler Ra'Navghan Nagar chief minister Shridhar invited Nagars of Gujarat to settle in Sorath.Many Nagar came to Sorath.In 1260 AD a large group of Nagars settled in Junagadh on the invitation of Nagar chief minister Mahidhar of Sorath Chudasama ruler Ra'Mandlik 1st.
                      15th century devotee poet Narsinh Mehta born to Vadnagara Nagar Gruhasth Krishna Damodar at Talaja in 1414 AD. Talaja is in Bhavnagar district.Around 1415 AD Narsinh Mehta father Krishna Damodar & his family shifted from Talaja to Sorath capital Vanthali to serve Sorath ruler Ra'Melig.
Around 1416 AD poet Narsinh Mehta's father Krishna Damodar died in a battle near Vanthali fighting under Sorath Chudasama ruler Ra'Melig.Around 1416 AD after the death of Narsinh's father Krishna Damodar, his uncle Parvat/Parbat Mehta shifted Narsinh's family from Vanthali to Mangrol.Ppoet Narsinh Mehta's uncle Parbat Mehta was the great devotee of Lord Shri Krishna.He used to go Dwarka pilgrimage every year with Tulsi in hand.In old age when Parbat Mehta was unable to go Dwarka , Ranchhodji idol emerged in Sodhali well near Parbat Mehta home in Mangrol for Parbat.In mid 15 century Narsinh Mehta uncle shifted family from Mangrol to Junagadh with Ranchhodji idol which is in Junagadh Ranchhodji temple now.It is not true that Narsinh Mehta was illiterate.He was erudite & scholar who studied Ved-Vedang, Upnishad, Darshanshastra, Puran & Kavyashastra.It is believed that devotee poet Narsinh Mehta worshiped Gopnath Mahadev who took him to Vaikunth & show him Raslila of Lord Shri Krishna.
                        15th century poet Narsinh Mehta's wife was Manekbai.Their son & daughter were Shamaldas & Kunvarbai..Junagadh was Narsinh's maternal town.15 century poet Narsinh Mehta's son Shamaldas married Kamalalakshmi/Juthibai who was a daughter of Madan Mehta of Vadnagar.Shamaldas died soon after marriage.15th century devotee poet Narsinh Mehta's daughter Kunvarbai married Vatsaraj who was the son of Shrirang Mehta of Una.Her son was Bhavaniprasad.
                        Devotee Narsinh Mehta used to go very early in morning to Damodar Kund & temple for bath & Darshan.On way, he sang Prabhatiya-morning hymns.Poet Narsinh Mehta was a progressive thinker.He was well in advance of his time.He did not believe in untouchability in that era.Devotee poet Narsinh Mehta lived the life of Sufi Saint.He used to go dwellings of downtrodden & untouchables to sing Bhajan-hymns.There are many folk tales about devotee poet Narsinh Mehta in which God Shri Krishna helped him in his social needs & crisis by miracles.Devotee poet Narsinh Mehta described how God helped him by miracles in his poems 'Hundi','Mamerun' , 'Putra No Vivah' and 'Harmala'.In 1456 AD famous miracle incident of 'Harmala' of poet Narsinh Mehta happened.Swami Ramanandtirth complained Junagadh ruler Ra'Mandlik 3rd that Narsinh Mehta is a fraud & cheating people.So Narsinh was arrested & jailed.He was asked to prove his relation with God Shri Krishna.Narsinh Mehta sang Kedaro Raga & Shri Krishna put his Har-garland in the neck of Narsinh Mehta in jail.King apologized & released Narsinh Mehta.Poet Narsinh Mehta created & composed philosophical, devotional & religious poetry in large scale in form of epics, verses & stanzas.Devotee poet Narsinh Mehta enlightened people & increased their faith in Hinduism when Gujarat was under Muslim rule for 150 years.
                         As per one belief poet Narsinh Mehta left Junagadh after his arrest in 1456 AD & went Mangrol.Then went to Una & lived until his death in 1480 AD.As per another belief devotee poet Narsinh Mehta never left Junagadh and lived in Junagadh until his death around 1480 AD.Devotee poet Narsinh Mehta's only son Shamaldas died at young age His widow Kamalalakshmi cared Narsinh Mehta.She was also a poetess.Narshi Mehta had no descendants but his uncle Parbat Mehta's descendants are Vaishnav, Bakshi & Majmudar surnames Nagar families of Junagadh.
                                                    અખિલ બ્રહ્માંડમાં એક તું શ્રીહરિ, જુજવે રૂપ અનંત ભાસે;
                                                     દેહમાં દેવ તું, તેજમાં તત્વ તું, શૂન્યમાં શબ્દ થઇ વેદ વાસે 
                                                                      ( Poem by Narsinh Mehta)

Written by Bipin Thanky
(Tweets from my twitter handle @GujaratHistory)

Monday 4 September 2017

The Brave Kshatriya Jam Abada Jadeja of Kutch

                                     In early 14 century Sama dynasty Rajput Jam Abada Jadeja was the ruler of Abadasa area of western Kutch with capital at Vadsar.He was very brave.In 1314 AD Delhi Sultan Alauddin army attacked Sumara king Ghogha at his capital Umarkot in Sindh. 140 Sumari queens & princesses fled to Kutch.140 Sumari queens & princess took refuge under Jam Abada at Vadsar Kutch.Alauddin's army followed beautiful women of Sumara king & came to Vadsar.Alauddin's army chief ordered Jam Abada to surrender 140 Sumari women. Instead of surrendering refugees, Jam Abada fought for 5 weeks & died.Jam Abada fought with Alauddin army for 5 weeks & died in unequal fight thereby acquiring immortal fame in Kutch history.He was really brave.

                                      Kutch Rajput women of Jam Abada family & 140 Sumari women of Sindh royal family became Sati by burning themselves in the fire of pyre at Vadsar.A monument temple is built in memory of brave Jam Abada Jadeja on the river bank at Vadsar Kutch where fair is held on Holi festival every year.Our tribute to brave Jam Abada Jadeja who sacrificed his life performing Kshatriya Dharma-duty in the protection of refugee Sumari women.Kutch's Abada Jadeja's grandson Krishnaraj migrated to Mysore in 1336 AD.His descendants are Wadiyar dynasty Rajputs of Mysore in Karnataka.

Written by Bipin Thanky
( Tweets from my twitter handle @GujaratHistory )

Sunday 13 August 2017

Historic battle of Bhuchar Mori of Saurashtra

                                 425 years ago in 1592 AD in Janmashtami festival days historical Bhuchar Mori battle was fought between armies of Mughal & Jamnagar Jadeja state at Dhrol.In 1592 AD Navanagar(Jamnagar) state was ruled by brave Jadeja ruler Jam Chhatrasalji/Sataji who challenged the authority of Mughal Emperor Akbar.In 1572 Mughal emperor Akbar won Gujarat from Gujarat last Sultan Muzffarshah 3rd who fled but caught at Jotana near Kadi & sent in prison.In 1578 Gujarat ex-Sultan Muzffarshah escaped from Delhi Mughal jail & came to Gujarat & hid in Rajpipala forest.He gathered an army of his old chiefs.In 1583 AD Gujarat ex-Sultan Muzffarshah attacked Mughal ruled Ahmedabad & won it from Mughal governor Itimadkhan.He also won Vadodara & Bharuch.In 1584 huge Mughal army under command of Gujarat new Mughal governor Mirza Abdurahimkhan/Mirzakhan defeated rebel ex-Sultan Muzffarshah.He fled away.Gujarat last ex-Sultan Muzffarshah had been roaming & wandering during 1584-1592 in Gujarat & Saurashtra.He was constantly chased by Mughal army.In 1592 AD wandering Gujarat ex-Sultan Muzffarshah tried to take refuge of Saurashtra rulers but all denied except Jamnagar ruler Jam Sataji.In 1592 AD Jamnagar Jadeja ruler Jam Chhatrasalji/Sataji gave refuge to Gujarat last ex-Sultan Muzffarshah 3rd against mighty Mughal power.In 1592 AD Gujarat Mughal governor Mirza Aziz Kokaltash ordered Jamnagar ruler Jam Sataji to surrender Gujarat ex-Sultan Muzffarshah but he refused to surrender ex-Sultan Muzaffar.

                                    In 1592 AD as per Kshatriy Dharm Jamnagar ruler Jam Sataji refused to hand over his refugee Gujarat last Sultan Muzaffar to Mughal Badshah Akbar.So Mughal army of 100000 soldiers under command of governor Mirza Aziz Koka with Chief Saiyad Kasim & Navrozkhan invaded Jamnagar state.In 1592 allied armies of Jamnagar ruler Jam Sataji, Junagadh ruler Dolatkhan Gori & Kathi Loma Khuman camped at Bhuchar Mori-Dhrol in defence.Though it was monsoon & rains Mughal army quickly arrived at Dhrol from Viramgam on Shravan Sud 6 of 1592.A Fierce battle began with Jamnagar. state army.Battle formation of Mughal army: Right side-Saiyad Kasim, Navrozkhan, Gujarkhan;Centre-Mirza Marhan; Left side-Muhamed Rafi; In front-Mirza Anvar.Jamnagar side chief warriors: Army chief Jesa Wazir & ruler Jam Sataji Jadeja, Maheramanji Dungrani, Nagado Wazir, Dahyo Ladak and Bhanji Dal.

                                    Bhuchar Mori is big plain near Dhrol. The first day of battle passed without result.Both armies fought bravely & thousands of soldiers were killed.At end of 1st day on Shravan Vad 7 of 1592 AD at the crucial time, Junagadh ruler Daulatkhan Gori & Kathi Loma Khuman betrayed Jamnagar ruler.Dolatkhan Gori & Loma Khuman with their 24000 soldiers changed side & joined with Mughal army.It was a big blow which turned the balance of the war.On Janmashtami very fierce battle fought.Jamnagar crown prince Ajaji came directly from his marriage ceremony with 500 friends.He was beheaded.Bhadreswar Kutch ruler Hala Maheramnji with his 14 sons became martyrs.1500 Naga Bava returning from Dwarka pilgrimage fought bravely in war.On Janmashtami of 1592 AD Mughal army won Bhuchar Mori battle which is the last large scale big battle in Saurashtra history.Jamnagar state lost the war.On last day of battle, Jamnagar ruler Jam Sataji retreated Jamnnagar & shipped his family & women in Kutch bay.He went in Barda hills forest.After the victory, Mughal permitted bride Ladiba of beheaded crown prince Ajaji to be Sati.She sat in fire pyre with the head of her husband in lap.

                                   In 1592 AD Gujarat Mughal governor Mirza Aziz Koka after defeating Jamnagar Jadeja ruler Jam Sataji entered Jamnagar & renamed it as Islamabad.Enemy of Mughal power & refugee last Gujarat Sultan Muzffarshah for whom Bhuchar Mori battle was fought was hidden in Barda forest.He fled to Arambhada-Dwarka in the shelter of Vadhel ruler Shiv Rana whose grandfather Bhimji was killed brutally by Muzaffar's great grandfather Mahmood Begada.Vadhel ruler shipped Gujarat last Sultan Muzaffar to Kuch but Kutch Jadeja ruler refused to give him shelter & handed over Gujarat last Sultan Muzffarshah to Mughal.When Gujarat last Sultan Muzaffarshah 3rd was taken to Delhi as a prisoner he committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor on way near Dhrol.

                                   Janmashtami festival had not been celebrated in Jamanagar state for 250 years in sad memory of the death of crown prince Ajaji & bride Ladiba.After 250 years of Bhuchar Mori, Janmashtami festival celebration began in Jamnagar state when a crown prince born to a queen in Janmashtami.

Written by Bipin Thanky 
( From tweets of my twitter handle @GujaratHistory )

Sunday 30 July 2017

Muslim Vora/Vhora community of Gujarat

                                     Gujarati Vhora Muslims are wealthiest & most prosperous among all Gujarat Muslim communities. Vhora word derived from Vhoravu means to trade.Vhora/Vora are Muslim of Mustali branch of Shia Ismaili Muslims.They have been living in Gujarat since the 11th century.In 1067 AD Dai Abdulla came Khambhat from Haraz Yemen. He was sent here to preach Ismaili sect by Ismaili head Mullah of Yemen Arabia.In 11 to 13 century many Gujarati upper castes Brahmin, Nagar & Vanik adopted Islam & became Shia Vhora under influence of Mustali preachers.Vhora/Vora is also a surname of upper castes Brahmin, Nagar & Vanik Hindu communities of Gujarat.Some Shia Ismaili Vhora families came into Gujarat with their Mota Mullaji-spiritual head from Aden in 1539 AD.Some Shia Ismaili Vhora families came into Gujarat with their Mota Mullaji-spiritual head from Aden in 1539 AD.In middle age from 14 century Shia Ismaili sect Saints, Mullah & preachers were harassed by Gujarat's Muslim rulers as they were Sunni Muslims.

                                       11th century Mustali Shia Ismaili preacher Dai Abdulla was great erudite. He studied Hindu religion, custom & tradition at Khambhat & Patan.11-12th century Gujarat king Siddharaj Jaysinh Solanki went to Shia Mustali Ismaili Dai Abdulla to pay respects.He honoured Dai Abdulla.Under influence of spiritual power & miracle of Shia Mustali Ismaili Saint Dai Abdulla, many Gujarati Hindu adopted Islam & became Shia Vhora.In 14 & 15 century during Sultnat time, Shia Vhora were harassed & tortured by Sultans who were Sunni Muslims.So many Shia Vhora became SunniIn 15th century founder of Ahmedabad Gujarat Sultan Ahmedshah killed Shia Vhora head Mullaji as he did not begin Ramzan as per Sunni rules.

                                        In 1539 AD 24th Dai/Vada Mullaji-spiritual head of Shia Ismaili Vhora Yusuf Najamuddin came from Yemen & founded 1st Gadi-seat at Siddhapur.Places of Gadi-seat of Dai-spiritual head of Shia Ismaili Daudi Vora from 1539 AD to present; Siddhpur, Ahmedabad, Jamnagar, Ujjain, Burhanpur & Surat.After the death of Shia Mustali Ismaili Vhora's spiritual head 26th Dai Daudji in 1588 AD, they were divided into Sulaymani Vhora & Daudi Vhora.Sub sects of Mustali Shia Ismaili Vhora: Jafari, Sulaymani, Alia, Nagoshi and Daudi.Shia Ismaili Vhora sub sect Nagosi Vhora was founded in 1789 AD in Gujarat. Nagosi means no Gost-meat.These Nagosi Vhora were vegetarian.Male names of Gujarati Vhora/Vora Muslims is suffixed by 'ali' or 'ji' e.g. Taiyabali, Musaji, Ganiji etc.Some Gujarati Vhora Muslim surname indicate their profession/goods-commodity they sale/their domicile city eg Nalwala, Rangwala, Rangoonwala.In old time Vhora Muslims were known also as 'Lotia' in Gujarat because of their Lota-metal water jug without handle shape Paghadi-turban.In 19th century many Gujarati Vhora Muslims migrated to Africa,Burma,Malaya,Indonesia Aden & gulf countries for business and settled there.
In 19th & early 20th century Vhora Muslims built magnificent European style mansions furnished with western furniture at Siddhpur,Surat & Mumbai.Old Gujarati proverb " VHORA NO MAL RODA MA JAY" means Vhora's wealth/money is expended in stones ( buildings ).

Written by Bipin Thanky
( Tweets of my twitter handle @GujaratHistory )

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Meman Muslim community of Gujarat

                                    In 1421 Hazrat Saiyad Yusufudin Kadari came from Bagdad to Nagarthatha Sindh to preach Islam.He was received by Sama Rajput ruler Jam Raydan.Nagarthatha Sindh ruler Jam Raydan & Lohana community chief Manekji with 700 Lohana families adopted Islam under influence of Saint Yusufudin.15 century Saint Yusufudin changed neo Muslim Lohana chief Manekji's son & grandson names of Ravji, Sundarji & Hansraj as Ahmed, Adam & Tajmoh'd.15 century Saint Yusufudin named group of neo Muslims who converted from 700 Hindu Lohana families as Momins/Memans means believer of Islam.15th century Saint Pir Yusufudin appointed Lohana chief's grandson Adam as chief of neo Muslim Meman community with his HQ at Var city Sindh.15 century Saint Pir Yusufudin appointed his son as Pirzada & spiritual head of neo Muslim Memans & left Sindh by giving blessings to Memans.In 16 century many Meman families left Sindh & settled in Kutch-Saurashtra on the invitation of Kutch ruler Khengar & spread other Indian places.Ancestors of Memans of Dhoraji in Saurashtra were farmers from Asambia village Tal.Mandvi of Kutch.

Meman is business community.19th century tycoons Kutchi Meman Haji Zakaria built Zakaria Masjid in Mumbai and 19th century Meman Sheth Dada Abdulla Zaveri of Porbandar was business tycoon of South Africa.He employed Gandhiji in S.Africa in 1893 AD.

Written by Bipin Thanky
{ Tweets of my twitter handle @GujaratHistory }

Friday 21 July 2017

Lohana community of Gujarat

                                    Lohana of Gujarat are Kshatriya originally.They are Surya Vanshi Rajput of Raghu dynasty.Lord Ram is their ancestor.They are known as Raghuvanshi.In ancient time Lohana of Gujarat lived in Lohanpur city near Multan in Punjab now in Pakistan OR in Lohkot/Lohur/Lohavar town in Kashmir.From ancient time Lohana were migrating from Punjab to Sindh and from Sindh to Kutch, Saurashtra & Gujarat due to foreign invasions on Punjab.Historical evidence shows that Lohana lived in Sindh as far back as 8th century.Sindh king Dahir's Diwan Akhay/Akshay was of Lohana community.In ancient & middle age Lohana were Diwan-chief minister of states of Sindh, Kutch & Lohana are good statesman & administrator.

                                     In 1519 AD Jam Raval Jadeja of Kutch founded Jamnagar state in Halar.His Lohana subject from Kutch settled in Halar.They are Halari Lohana.In 1519 AD Jam Raval Jadeja founded Jam state.He made Jam Khambhaliya his capital.Many Lohana families from Kutch settled in new capital.Gujarati Lohana's surnames such as Majithia & Ruparel link them with Punjab as both these surnames found in Punjab at present.Historian Elliot noted that Lohana preserved their dignity & religion still today even after a lot of sufferings, tortures by foreign invaders.

                                     In the 13th century Lohana began to migrate from Sindh to Kutch.In 1548 AD when Rao Khengarji Jadeja founded Kutch state, they came Kutch in mass.In 1947 AD when India partitioned, Hindu refugees from Sindh came to Gujarat.Among them, Sindhi Lohana were in majority.They speak Sindhi.Lohana of Gujarat are categorized as per their geographical regions such as Halari, Ghoghari, Kutchi (speak Kutchi), Sindhi (speak Sindhi) etc.Most of Gujarati Lohana are Vaishnav.In the 16th century, many Lohana families became Pushtimargi Vaishnav under influence of Vallabhacharya.In Hinduism Brahmin & Kshatriya are eligible for Upnayan Sanskar & to wear Janoi-sacred thread.Lohana also wear Janoi as they are Kshatriya.Sarswat are Brahmin of Lohana community.They also came with Lohana from Punjab to Sindh in ancient time.They spread from Sindh to Gujarat.Lohana of Gujarat were farmer in middle age.Later they became traders.They contributed to the development of Mumbai & Karachi in 19-20th century. In the 15th century, Sindh Lohana chief Manekji with 700 Lohana families adopted Islam under influence of Saint Yusufudin.They are known as Memon.

                                      Gujarati Lohana are known as Thakkar which is derived from Sanskrit word Thakkur means respectable person/rich person/high-status person.Some surnames of Lohana formed by suffix 'ni' to their ancestor name. 'Ni' means 'of ' eg Lakhani, Devani, Rajani, Khetani, Kanani, Premani etc.After the discovery of Africa Gujarat coastal area people went there in the 19th century. Porbandar's Bhatia, Lohana, Memon and Khoja went there.In 20th century Saurashtrian Lohana Nanji Kalidas Mehta & Muljibhai Madhvani of Porbandar were top business tycoons of East Africa.Many Saurashtra Lohana families migrated East Africa in early 20th century after Porbandars Lohana Nanji Kalidas Mehta & Muljibhai Madhvani.Gujarati Lohana is a prosperous community.In past & present, so many great personalities of every field were/are from this community.

Written by Bipin Thanky
(Tweets on Lohana from my twitter handle 

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Bhatia community of Gujarat

                                    Bhatias are originally Yaduvanshi Sama dynasty Bhatti Rajputs of Jaisalmer. In 1316 AD 2000 Bhatia families migrated to Sindh & Punjab.In 14th century Bhatias were agriculturist & fisherman in Sindh.Vallabhacharya made them Vaishnav & vegetarian.They began to wear Janoi-thread.Around 1350 AD some Bhatia families migrated to Kutch from Sindh. Here they settled in Tera, Vinjan & Kothara towns of Abdasa Taluka of Kutch.In 16th century Bhatias spread from Abdasa Taluka to newly founded Kutch cities Mandvi, Mundra & Anjar and Saurashtra. They became traders.When Kutch king Khengarji founded Mandvi city in 1581 he invited Sindh big trader Bhatia Topan to Mandvi to develop trade & shipping of city.In 16th century Nagarsheth Bhatia Topan & his castes traders made Mandvi Kutch a major port of western India in middle age.He built Topansar lake in Mandvi.Nagarsheth Bhatia Topan built grand Lakshminarayan temple at Mandvi Kutch in 1607 AD. It is adorned with fine sculpture & stone carving.Kutchi Bhatias whose surname is Toprani are descendants of 16th century Mandvi Kutch Nagarsheth Topan Bhatia.

                                     In mid 19th century, Sheth Gokuldas Tejpal Bhatia of Kothara Kutch settled in Mumbai was one of richest persons of India.He built GT Hospital & GT Hostel in Mumbai.He also built GT Highschool In Mandvi & Kothara in Kutch.Gujarat had the close relation with Zanzibar for centuries.Kutchi Bhatia & Khoja traders played the major role in Zanzibar economy in 19th century.In mid 19th century Zanzibar ruler Muscat now Oman Sultan Sayyid Said encouraged Gujarati & especially Kutchi Bhatias to settle in Zanzibar.In 19 century Bhatia Jeram Shivji was one of biggest slave trader of the world at Zanzibar.When slavery abolished he freed stock of 10000 slaves.After the discovery of Africa Gujarat coastal area people went there in 19th century. Porbandar's Bhatia, Lohana, Memon and Khoja went there.

In 18th & 19th centuries Gujarat trader communities Parsi, Bhatia,  Vanik, Lohana, Meman, Khoja & Vora developed newly founded Mumbai and Karachi.237 years ago in 1780 AD population of Mumbai was 47170 of which Gujarati Brahmin 177, Vanik 1637, Bhatia 290, Surati Patel 39 & Parsi 3087.In 1840 Karachi population was 13850.Of which Hindu 9000, Muslim 4850. Brahmin 900,Sindhi & Kutchi Bhatia 600,Khatri 1400,Khoja & Memon 250.

                                     In 18th & 19th century Bhatia traders of Kutch Gujarat were financial advisers of Sultans of Muscat-Oman who were also Sultan of East Africa.20th century Bhatia philanthropist Khimji Ramdas Thakarshi of Mandvi Kutch was big tycoon of Muscat now Oman.

Written by Bipin Thanky
(Tweets from my twitter handle @GujaratHistory)

Friday 14 July 2017

Koli people of Gujarat

                                    Kolis are one of oldest inhabitants of Gujarat.As per their belief, they are Suryavanshi Rajputs & descendants of Surya dynasty king Yuvanashva.In ancient time Koli lived in the delta of Sindhu river of Sindh.As per myth Goddess Hingalaj ordered them to leave Sindh.So they came to Gujarat.In ancient time Kolis came to Gujarat from Sindh & settled in Nal Sarovar area & south Saurashtra.From here they spread in Gujarat & Konkan.In ancient time Sonang Mer was chief of Kolis.He had 12 sons.Sub castes of Kolis are made from descendants of this 12 sons of Sonang Mer.

                                     Five major castes of Kolis of Gujarat are Talpada,Chunvaliya,Valakia,Khant & Gediya.There are many sub castes of these five major branches.Kolis of Gujarat have Rajput surnames such as Sarvaiya,Chudasama,Makwana,Rathod,Zala,Gohil,Chauhan,Chavda,Solanki,Jethava,Parmar Kolis are known as Koli ,Kharava,Khant,Koli Patel, Koli Thakor,Machhi ,Tandel in Gujarat.They are farmer,agriculture labour,seaman,fisherman,sailor etc.In middle age Kolis were good soldiers.They served in Sultans army.In old time some were engaged in theft & loot.They were escorts & guards.In old time Kolis were excellent Pagi-tracer who follows criminals from their foot print.They were recruited in police departments of states In ancient time Koli Khant kings founded Dhandhuka,Dhandhalpur & Petlad towns Of Gujarat.

                                     Koli name may be derived from Koli named a king or Kol-boat or Kul dynasty or ancient Kol state situated south of Vindhyanchal mountains.145 years ago as per first census of Gujarat of 1872 AD population of Koli in Gujarat was 965000 out of Gujarat total population 9129722..

Written by Bipin Thanky
(Tweets on Koli people in my twitter handle @GujaratHistory)