Wednesday 11 October 2017

15th Century Gujarat brave Naval Chief Malek Ayaz

                                    In 15th century Malek Ayaz Sultani was Gujarat Sultnat naval chief during the rule of Sultan Mahmud Begada & Sultan Muzaffar.He was top Amir-lord of Sultnat.Malek Ayaz was Russian white slave caught by Turks & brought in Istambul.He was sold to a middle east trader.Arab trader came to Gujarat for trade.He gave his very clever white Russian slave Malek Ayaz to Gujarat Sultan Mahmud Begada as a gift.In 15th century during Malawa invasion Malek Ayaz killed flying falcon by an arrow as falcon pray fell on Sultan Mahmud.He became very pleased.15th century Gujarat Sultan Mahmud Begada freed brave Malek Ayaz Sultani from slavery for his quick & prompt action & awarded the title of Malik.
                                      15th century Malek Ayaz sultani was very clever, intelligent & brave.He became top Amir-lord of Gujarat Sultnat.He was powerful & very rich.Gujarat Sultan Mahmud Begada appointed Malek Ayaz Sultani as Sorath-Saurashtra governor & Sultnat naval chief with his headquarter at Diu.Gujarat Sultnat navy chief Malek Ayaz Sultani fought many naval battles with rising Portuguese power in Arabian sea.In 1508 AD combined naval force of Gujarat Sultan under Malek Ayaz & Egypt Sultan under Amir Husen attacked Portuguese & defeated them at Chaul.15th century Gujarat naval chief Malek Ayaz was so powerful that Portuguese could not conquer Diu after many attacks during his lifetime.In the 15th century, no Portuguese ship was allowed to enter Gujarat ports without prior permission of Gujarat Sultanate naval chief Malek Ayaz.In 1483 AD Gujarat Sultnat naval chief Malik Ayaz brought foreign cannons from Diu to Pavagadh when Sultan Mahmud Begada invaded Pavagadh.In 1483-84 AD CANNONS were FIRST TIME used in the history of India by Gujarat Sultan Mahmud Begada in the battle of Pavagadh.Gunners were foreigners.On 21-11-1484 Gujarat Sultnat naval chief Malik Ayaz broke Pavagadh fort wall by cannon fire.He, Sultan Mahmud & soldiers entered in Pavagadh.
                                       15th century Gujarat naval chief Amir-lord Malek Ayaz lived a lavish life.His servants were given costly velvet uniforms.His expenses were huge.He was fond of food.He had chefs who knew to cook famous international cuisine.He hosted party often.Amir-lord Malek Ayaz's mega kitchen was always open for hungry persons who get food there.He had large stock of foreign crockery.In 1522 AD powerful Gujarat naval chief Malek Ayaz died at Una.He was buried near Shah Shamsuddin grave.His estate was given to his son Ishak.

Written by Bipin Thanky
(Tweets from my twitter handle @Gujarathistory)

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