Sunday 8 October 2017

Great Devotee Poet Narsinh Mehta of Gujarat

                                                      વૈષ્ણવ જન તો તેને કહિયે જે પીડ પરાયી જાણે રે 
                                                        પર દુ:ખે ઉપકાર કરે તો યે મન અભિમાન ન આણે રે. ..
                                                        Gujarati hymn written by poet Narsinh Mehta

                     Before tweeting on poet Narsinh Mehta we bow & pay homage to Saint like great soul.He is one of greatest personalities of Gujarat history.15th century Narsinh Mehta is the pioneer of Gujarati literature.He was great devotee poet who explained the eternal truth of life in poems & hymns.15th century devotee poet Narsinh Mehta's literally work is very popular in Gujarat for centuries & providing spiritual guidance to people.Valabhi was Gujarat capital in Maitrak rule during 6th to 8th century.Many Nagar families shifted from Vadnagar to Valabhi for livelihood.In 788 AD Valabhi was destroyed by Arab invaders & Maitrak rule ended.So some Vadnagara Nagar families shifted to the Vala Rajput state of Talaja.In 1025 AD Sorath Chudasama ruler Ra'Navghan Nagar chief minister Shridhar invited Nagars of Gujarat to settle in Sorath.Many Nagar came to Sorath.In 1260 AD a large group of Nagars settled in Junagadh on the invitation of Nagar chief minister Mahidhar of Sorath Chudasama ruler Ra'Mandlik 1st.
                      15th century devotee poet Narsinh Mehta born to Vadnagara Nagar Gruhasth Krishna Damodar at Talaja in 1414 AD. Talaja is in Bhavnagar district.Around 1415 AD Narsinh Mehta father Krishna Damodar & his family shifted from Talaja to Sorath capital Vanthali to serve Sorath ruler Ra'Melig.
Around 1416 AD poet Narsinh Mehta's father Krishna Damodar died in a battle near Vanthali fighting under Sorath Chudasama ruler Ra'Melig.Around 1416 AD after the death of Narsinh's father Krishna Damodar, his uncle Parvat/Parbat Mehta shifted Narsinh's family from Vanthali to Mangrol.Ppoet Narsinh Mehta's uncle Parbat Mehta was the great devotee of Lord Shri Krishna.He used to go Dwarka pilgrimage every year with Tulsi in hand.In old age when Parbat Mehta was unable to go Dwarka , Ranchhodji idol emerged in Sodhali well near Parbat Mehta home in Mangrol for Parbat.In mid 15 century Narsinh Mehta uncle shifted family from Mangrol to Junagadh with Ranchhodji idol which is in Junagadh Ranchhodji temple now.It is not true that Narsinh Mehta was illiterate.He was erudite & scholar who studied Ved-Vedang, Upnishad, Darshanshastra, Puran & Kavyashastra.It is believed that devotee poet Narsinh Mehta worshiped Gopnath Mahadev who took him to Vaikunth & show him Raslila of Lord Shri Krishna.
                        15th century poet Narsinh Mehta's wife was Manekbai.Their son & daughter were Shamaldas & Kunvarbai..Junagadh was Narsinh's maternal town.15 century poet Narsinh Mehta's son Shamaldas married Kamalalakshmi/Juthibai who was a daughter of Madan Mehta of Vadnagar.Shamaldas died soon after marriage.15th century devotee poet Narsinh Mehta's daughter Kunvarbai married Vatsaraj who was the son of Shrirang Mehta of Una.Her son was Bhavaniprasad.
                        Devotee Narsinh Mehta used to go very early in morning to Damodar Kund & temple for bath & Darshan.On way, he sang Prabhatiya-morning hymns.Poet Narsinh Mehta was a progressive thinker.He was well in advance of his time.He did not believe in untouchability in that era.Devotee poet Narsinh Mehta lived the life of Sufi Saint.He used to go dwellings of downtrodden & untouchables to sing Bhajan-hymns.There are many folk tales about devotee poet Narsinh Mehta in which God Shri Krishna helped him in his social needs & crisis by miracles.Devotee poet Narsinh Mehta described how God helped him by miracles in his poems 'Hundi','Mamerun' , 'Putra No Vivah' and 'Harmala'.In 1456 AD famous miracle incident of 'Harmala' of poet Narsinh Mehta happened.Swami Ramanandtirth complained Junagadh ruler Ra'Mandlik 3rd that Narsinh Mehta is a fraud & cheating people.So Narsinh was arrested & jailed.He was asked to prove his relation with God Shri Krishna.Narsinh Mehta sang Kedaro Raga & Shri Krishna put his Har-garland in the neck of Narsinh Mehta in jail.King apologized & released Narsinh Mehta.Poet Narsinh Mehta created & composed philosophical, devotional & religious poetry in large scale in form of epics, verses & stanzas.Devotee poet Narsinh Mehta enlightened people & increased their faith in Hinduism when Gujarat was under Muslim rule for 150 years.
                         As per one belief poet Narsinh Mehta left Junagadh after his arrest in 1456 AD & went Mangrol.Then went to Una & lived until his death in 1480 AD.As per another belief devotee poet Narsinh Mehta never left Junagadh and lived in Junagadh until his death around 1480 AD.Devotee poet Narsinh Mehta's only son Shamaldas died at young age His widow Kamalalakshmi cared Narsinh Mehta.She was also a poetess.Narshi Mehta had no descendants but his uncle Parbat Mehta's descendants are Vaishnav, Bakshi & Majmudar surnames Nagar families of Junagadh.
                                                    અખિલ બ્રહ્માંડમાં એક તું શ્રીહરિ, જુજવે રૂપ અનંત ભાસે;
                                                     દેહમાં દેવ તું, તેજમાં તત્વ તું, શૂન્યમાં શબ્દ થઇ વેદ વાસે 
                                                                      ( Poem by Narsinh Mehta)

Written by Bipin Thanky
(Tweets from my twitter handle @GujaratHistory)


  1. Sir, if you have full history about parbat maheta and gomati vav in mangrol town so pls send ,, any details about parbat maheta, parabat pachisi, gomati vav..

    1. I am a direct descendant of Shri Parbat Mehta, ancestors in mangrol, family story is that the murty of thakorji is at a temple in mangrol

  2. Sir,
    I read somewhere that period of shri narsinh mehta was around 12 to 15 century can you please confirm and is there any actually historical data available regarding his life?
    Actually I read that in some k.m.munshiji's book as I remember

  3. Sir I have a text on Paliya which you have to read at your convenience so please give your watsapp number so that I can send you that photo.🙏🏻

  4. આપની સાથે વાત થઈ શકશે? મારે થોડી માહિતી જોઈતી હતી.

  5. I am also a descendant of Parbat Mehta, i am interested in vanshavli also

  6. You have presented really beautiful information about Narsingh Mehta. Read this article to know a lot about Narsinh Mehta
