Friday 21 July 2017

Lohana community of Gujarat

                                    Lohana of Gujarat are Kshatriya originally.They are Surya Vanshi Rajput of Raghu dynasty.Lord Ram is their ancestor.They are known as Raghuvanshi.In ancient time Lohana of Gujarat lived in Lohanpur city near Multan in Punjab now in Pakistan OR in Lohkot/Lohur/Lohavar town in Kashmir.From ancient time Lohana were migrating from Punjab to Sindh and from Sindh to Kutch, Saurashtra & Gujarat due to foreign invasions on Punjab.Historical evidence shows that Lohana lived in Sindh as far back as 8th century.Sindh king Dahir's Diwan Akhay/Akshay was of Lohana community.In ancient & middle age Lohana were Diwan-chief minister of states of Sindh, Kutch & Lohana are good statesman & administrator.

                                     In 1519 AD Jam Raval Jadeja of Kutch founded Jamnagar state in Halar.His Lohana subject from Kutch settled in Halar.They are Halari Lohana.In 1519 AD Jam Raval Jadeja founded Jam state.He made Jam Khambhaliya his capital.Many Lohana families from Kutch settled in new capital.Gujarati Lohana's surnames such as Majithia & Ruparel link them with Punjab as both these surnames found in Punjab at present.Historian Elliot noted that Lohana preserved their dignity & religion still today even after a lot of sufferings, tortures by foreign invaders.

                                     In the 13th century Lohana began to migrate from Sindh to Kutch.In 1548 AD when Rao Khengarji Jadeja founded Kutch state, they came Kutch in mass.In 1947 AD when India partitioned, Hindu refugees from Sindh came to Gujarat.Among them, Sindhi Lohana were in majority.They speak Sindhi.Lohana of Gujarat are categorized as per their geographical regions such as Halari, Ghoghari, Kutchi (speak Kutchi), Sindhi (speak Sindhi) etc.Most of Gujarati Lohana are Vaishnav.In the 16th century, many Lohana families became Pushtimargi Vaishnav under influence of Vallabhacharya.In Hinduism Brahmin & Kshatriya are eligible for Upnayan Sanskar & to wear Janoi-sacred thread.Lohana also wear Janoi as they are Kshatriya.Sarswat are Brahmin of Lohana community.They also came with Lohana from Punjab to Sindh in ancient time.They spread from Sindh to Gujarat.Lohana of Gujarat were farmer in middle age.Later they became traders.They contributed to the development of Mumbai & Karachi in 19-20th century. In the 15th century, Sindh Lohana chief Manekji with 700 Lohana families adopted Islam under influence of Saint Yusufudin.They are known as Memon.

                                      Gujarati Lohana are known as Thakkar which is derived from Sanskrit word Thakkur means respectable person/rich person/high-status person.Some surnames of Lohana formed by suffix 'ni' to their ancestor name. 'Ni' means 'of ' eg Lakhani, Devani, Rajani, Khetani, Kanani, Premani etc.After the discovery of Africa Gujarat coastal area people went there in the 19th century. Porbandar's Bhatia, Lohana, Memon and Khoja went there.In 20th century Saurashtrian Lohana Nanji Kalidas Mehta & Muljibhai Madhvani of Porbandar were top business tycoons of East Africa.Many Saurashtra Lohana families migrated East Africa in early 20th century after Porbandars Lohana Nanji Kalidas Mehta & Muljibhai Madhvani.Gujarati Lohana is a prosperous community.In past & present, so many great personalities of every field were/are from this community.

Written by Bipin Thanky
(Tweets on Lohana from my twitter handle 

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